1. Compulsory Major Courses: 9 credits
Advanced Theory of Probability (00112630)
Advanced Theory of Statistics (00112640)
Stochastic Processes (00112650)
Advanced Theory of Probability (00112630)
Advanced Theory of Statistics (00112640)
Modern Statistical Modelling (00101756)
2. Major Free Electives
Stochastic Analysis (00110400)
Stochastic Processes II (00112103)
Topics in Stochastic Processes I (00113350)
Topics in Stochastic Processes II (00112250)
Mathematics of Randomness (00102900)
Statistical Learning (00102892)
Statistical Models & Computing Methods (00102516)
Advanced Theory of Statistics II (00102721)
Selected Topics on Advanced Statistics I (00112230)
Selected Topics on Advanced Statistics II (00112240)
Bayesian Theory and Computation (00100877)
Design of experiments (00110710)
Advanced Multivariate Statistical Analysis (00103351)
Theoretical Machine Learning (00103079)
Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning (00103335)
Biostatistics (00102893)
Bioinformatics methods and applications (00112903)
Survival Analysis (00103256)
Spatiol-Temoral Data Analysis (00100892)
Medical big data analysis and artificial intelligence (00100891)
Functional Analysis (Ⅱ) (00110100)
Introduction to Riemannian Geometry (00110000)
Modern Partial Differential Equations (00111140)
Real Analysis (00110110)
Complex Analysis (00110940)
Ergodic Theory (00111940)
Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics (00110360)
3. Courses for undergraduates and graduates
Applied Stochastic Processes (Honor) (00103240)
Applied Stochastic Processes (00133090)
Applied stochastic calculus (00113950)
Stochastic processes and statistical mechanics (00100862)
Measure Theory (00113540)
Topology (00131610)
Functional Analysis (I) (00130090)
Partial Differential Equations (00113790)
Differential manifolds (00130010)
Methods of Stochastic Simulations (00113690)
Mathematical Biophysics (00102874)
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (00100240)
Nonparametric Statistics (00135220)
Convex Optimization (00102906)
High-Dimensional Probability (00102068)