Summary of Effect Aliasing Structure for Design Selectionand Factor-Column Assignment for Supersaturated Designs


In the assessment and selection of supersaturated designs, the aliasing structure of interaction effects is usually ignored in traditional criterion such as EE(ss 2 )-optimality. We introduce the Summary of Effect Aliasing Structure (SEAS) for assessing the aliasing structure of supersaturated designs. SEAS takes account of interaction terms and provides more informative summaries than traditional design criteria, such as (generalized) resolution and wordlength patterns, for design evaluations. The new summary consists of three criteria, abbreviated as MAP: (1) the Maximum dependency aliasing (M-)pattern; (2) the Average square aliasing (A-)pattern; and (3) the Pairwise dependency ratio (P-)pattern. We theoretically study the relationships among the three criteria of SEAS and traditional criteria, and demonstrate the use of SEAS for evaluating and comparing some examples of supersaturated designs, including those suggested in the literature. We further apply the SEAS to the assignment of columns of a supersaturated design when some important experimental factors are known in prior. This is a joint work with Dave Woods (University of Southampton, UK) and Yi-Hua Liu (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan).


Frederick Kin Hing Phoa is a Research Fellow of the Institute of Statistical Science at Academia Sinica (ISSAS) since 2018. He received his B.S. Physical Chemistry, B.S. Applied Mathematics, M.S. Statistics and Ph.D. Statistics from University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2001, 2002, 2006 and 2009 respectively. He was an Assistant Research Fellow and an Associate Research Fellow of the ISSAS in2009-2013 and 2013-2018. He received the Career Development Award (2014) from Academia Sinica, the Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (2014), the Outstanding Research Award (2017) from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the Outstanding Scholar Award (2020) from Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship, and the Investigator Award (2023) from Academia Sinica. He received the best paper award in the World Congress of Engineering in 2015. He conducted two Excellent Young Researcher Research Projects (MOST) during 2013-2016 and 2022-2024, an International Cost-Share Exchange Scheme (MOST and Royal Society UK) during 2016-2018, an Interdisciplinary Intelligence Agriculture Project (MOST)during 2018-2021, the Academia Sinica Thematic Project during 2020-2022, the Tukey Project (ISSAS_ during 2021-2023, and the Investigator Project (AS) during 2023-2027. During 2009-2024, he has published 81 papers and he has given 170+invited talks in the international conferences and 110+ seminar talks in the universities around the world.
